Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Mama Inspired by the B.I.G Artcard project

A mother sits with her four children as they pour over the BIG pages.
Inspired, she takes to creating something in response herself. 

Bravery is to take a small step in an unknown direction
Imagination is to let go and let your mind fly
Generosity is to give your heart away
Sydney based Katrin has been a mother for 12 years and with her littlest now at kindy her world shifts in new ways. Trained as a doctor she has always harboured a desire to be an illustrator. She tentatively hands over her designs in response to the BIG Artcard project and we take our hat off to her and this little mole in all of his bravery, imagination and generosity.

SUBSCRIBE to BIG Kids Magazine and enjoy it side by side with your children!


  1. Beautiful work Katrin. I love your little character. Am loving how Big inspires us all, not just the children we buy it for.

  2. Why should kids have all the fun? Nurturing the creative child within us all is our right and responsibility!

  3. Thanks guys - creativity is ageless for sure. As one of our facebook friends recently commented re BIG, "I bought it, loved it, and I am 36 with no kids... I think it's a mag that will appeal to anyone with a creative streak". Yup, we think so too ;)


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